We LOVE referrals!

Referral Cheat Sheet

You might have clients or colleagues that would be well served and grateful to get the benefit of our services. We take your trust and reputation seriously. To support optimal results for everyone, we've provided information below that will make easier for you to accurately determine whether our offerings are a good fit. Please ask your referral to tell us that you sent them so we can offer our appreciation to you.

Help us return the favour. Tell us what a good referral looks like for you.



We have identified the attributes of clients that have the greatest likelihood to not only recognize the value of our services, but also be in a position to benefit the most AND have the resources needed.

Our ideal clients typically:

  • are professional services, creative or staffing agencies
  • are (female) owner managed, and sometimes have an operations manager
  • business is 4+ years old
  • have 8 - 50 team members (they don't have all be in the company)
  • are earning $1M+ in gross revenue
  • have found their product/market fit, and are doing well enough (or great)
  • ideally, they are an Impact business (using business as a force for good)

Examples / Stories

Here are some SYSTEMology testimonials and case studies to bring our services to life.


These are some symptoms and/or things happening with the prospect that signal they can get major benefit from our services:

  • they are too busy in the daily operations to think and work strategically on the business (working IN the business, rather than ON it)
  • they do things that others should do (if only someone else knew how to do it to a high standard)
  • they are frequently fire fighting
  • they and/or key members worry about burnout
  • team members are frequently asking questions they should already have the answers to
  • team members have their own "creative" ways of doing things (resulting in inconsistent client outcomes)
  • onboarding process is inconsistent and/or substandard for new hires
  • have lost significant intellectual property (critical business knowledge) when a team member left
  • parts of the business can't function well when a team member is away
  • they need investment or are looking to exit