Join me on this inspiring journey


Together we'll explore stories of challenge and success using business as a force for good: impact businesses. We will get to know the people and the projects that are solving important real-world problems and earning a living doing it. I welcome you to regularly tune in to hear business owners share their hard-earned wisdom and relatable inspiration.


Show Notes



Hello and Welcome! Thanks for joining me.

You might have noticed that our world seems to have no shortage of serious problems, and in many cases, crises.… social, environmental, political, economic… you name it…. And new ones show up every day.

While many people imagine, hope or expect that the government will, or at least should, do something to fix things… there are people out there who have chosen to tackle some of those problems head on and found a sustainable way to provide a solution by building a business around it. These companies are identified as: mission-driven, impact business, social impact, social ventures, benefit corporations, b-corps. These are companies that use business as a force for good… not greed.

My name is Jalen Séguin, and my business helps small impact businesses look and perform better than large ones.  I am also a member of the SVI community. This means that I’ve had the great pleasure of attending Social Venture Institute conferences held at Hollyhock.  These events are held at a number of locations in British Columbia and beyond.

SVI events are the most deeply humanizing and inspiring business environments I have ever experienced. It’s a gathering of people who are in or want to be in the impact business space. The warmth, generosity and inspiration I experienced there is what prompted me to create this podcast. My goal for this project is to keep the SVI spirit alive throughout the year.

This show is a collection of stories offering wisdom and inspiration from the journey of running a business that does well while doing good.  It will share lessons from the trenches of running a business with a multiple bottom line: Purpose, People, Planet, and Profit. If you’re new to this combination of concepts, you’ll have your eyes and heart opened to a new way of thinking.  If you’re already in the ranks of the converted, you’ll find valuable pearls and relatable inspiration…

and to everyone, I welcome you to join me on this journey of getting to know some great companies, exceptional entrepreneurs and amazing human beings.

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