Painful Blessings

Hey there change makers. I hope you’ve been enjoying this podcast series as much as I have. It’s been amazing to meet so many incredible people. The interview I planned to share with you this week didn’t go as planned.  Understandably, people’s schedules can be unpredictable at times.  So, instead of leaving a gaping hole in this series, I thought I’d share a spoken word piece that has been meaningful to me for over 20 years.  The original work was written by Rob Brezsny, of Free Will Astrology fame.  Back in 2001 he wrote a few versions of this piece in response to the 9/11 tragedy. I discovered it later that year and read it to a group of friends at a potluck, and it resonated powerfully with us all.  I have since revised it and added my own touch, and I typically share it with good friends at special occasions.  Sadly, 20 years have passed and it is even more relevant today. I offer it to you to console, connect and affirm our commitment to what we know is true… together we will rise, and that our collective efforts can create “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible”.


Show Notes


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